With the purchase of that farm a dream emerged: to produce a unique Malbec wine at 2,400 meters above sea level. Besides the risk of early or late frost due to the altitude, the conditions could not be better. The water of the river Huasamayo is cristaline and pure, the soil is rich in minerals and the climate perfect for biodynamic agriculture. The surrounding hills give the vineyard protection and a frame so that best Malbec grapes can mature. Ten years have passed since we first visited, but our affection for land and people still continues. In 2011 we produced our first wine and ever since Beatrice passes spring and autumn on the farm: “To work on such a beautiful spot is a real gift. In the morning the sun paints the mountains golden, the birds sing, and while I wander through the vines I listen to the bees humming and feel humble. I give thanks to the Creator of such beauty.”

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